Here you can find out about the editing and proofreading services I offer. I hope you find what you are looking for. If not, then please contact me for more information.
Whether your purpose is to inform, persuade or simply entertain, your writing should be correct and clear so that your readers get your message without distraction.
It is almost impossible to spot errors in your own writing; you see only what you ‘know’ you've written. I bring a fresh pair of eyes to your document, and I am trained to spot the errors you (and your spell-checker) miss.
Whatever your text, whatever your purpose, I can help you communicate more effectively. Find out how by clicking on the links on the left.
Nowadays publishing a book is easy. But publishing a good book takes a great deal of hard work and skill on your behalf… and a little help from outside eyes to ensure readers won’t be distracted by errors and plot inconsistencies. Whether you are an independent author or looking for an agent/publisher for your novel, I can help you make the right impression by ensuring your work is free from errors and tidily formatted.
I believe that good communication is at the heart of good business.
Everything you write should be correct, clear, concise, and consistent, as mistakes and inconsistencies may jeopardize your credibility. People who are experts in their own fields do not always have the time or skills to achieve this, and this is where I can help.